Here they are:
1. Horses are not a hobby, they are a passion
2. That Jesus guy, yeah he is kind of important to me
3. I am from Phillipston, Massachusetts, which is 70 or so miles west of Boston
4. I grew an inch senior year
5. I moved to Iowa summer of 2007, because my dad got a job
6. I burst out laughing at things that happened today, yesterday, last week, last month, last year, you get the idea
7. I randomly burst into song
8. I want to ride cuffed in the back of a cop car before I die (not necessarily arrested though, I just want the experience and the famous line “watch your head” from COPS said to me)
9. Combines are the coolest looking machines I have ever seen, and I am dying for a ride in one
10. I used to have an imaginary friend named ‘Little One’ who I wrote a story about in the first grade
11. I hate pulled pork sandwiches and orange juice
12. I took a pledge to never get drunk
13. My favorite song of all time is ‘Game of Love’ by Michelle Branch and Santana
14. I have the most caring best friend on the planet, irreplaceable!
15. I call many of my friends ‘homeskillet,’ ‘homefry’ ‘lovey’ and ‘monkey butt’ (not all the time) and end every conversation by saying ‘peace’
16. I have a black, cow hocked, cross-eyed cat named ‘Ragamuffin’
17. I have won 17 national championships riding horses
18. I was born at Overlook Hospital in Summit, New Jersey, the same hospital as actress Meryl Streep
19. I make mean cookies
20. The most spontaneous thing I have ever done is get my ears pierced a second time (I know, LAME)
21. Yes, I was raised in a barn, is that a problem?
22. My car is a beast and the only miracle on wheels
23. I lived in Massachusetts for 11 years but have never even been to Fenway Park
24. I never do repeats on impersonations, voices, crazy facial expressions, etc. So don’t ask, because I have no idea what I did anyway
25. I drove 93mph on route 380 by a cop and didn't get pulled over. Hey I had to make it back in time for evening church.
Well, those are some things about me. No specific order except one and two maybe. They are interchangeable though. Peace!!
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