Thursday, February 26, 2009

Asking for Help

When it comes to asking for help, I am not the one to do it first. In fact, I do not ask for it unless I am on the verge of disaster. Basically when “all else fails” is when I will ask for help. Although, I am not the one to ask for help, I love it when people ask me for help.

The other day my friend Nicole came to me with her rhetorical analysis. She knew what she was doing, but she did not exactly know how to make it a B+ or an A paper. I love the feeling of being needed, not to mention I do really like teaching, but I was a little worried about helping her. This is because I had never done a rhetorical analysis and I had not gotten a grade on a paper in any class yet this semester. Still, Nicole did not mind, all she wanted was a little input and help proofreading.

I told Nicole I would get it read before Wednesday night, and I did. As I was reading I looked for grammatical errors, redundancies, and the word “you.” She did not do bad at all. The only thing that was not the best was the constant repetition of the main point. However, we went over this aspect, broke up some paragraphs, and we were good to go. I am looking forward to seeing how she does. Nicole and I also made somewhat of a deal. She helps me with math, and I help her with English. Too bad I am done with math for the rest of my college career and she is done with English after this semester. Oh well, it is the thought that counts.

I really do not know why I love feeling needed. Some people hate to be the “go to” person, but it fuels me. It makes me love being the person with all the answers especially when my advice benefits people. However, there is a down side to being this person. Sometime, I do not have the answer, and I hate that. Of course I give the best answer I have, but the fact that I did not know makes me feel that I do not have a handle on anything. Being in control is not my job, but I want it to be even though I do not have the capacity to handle my friend’s problems and mine. Then I think about my problems. I love it when people come to me for help, because then I do not have to worry about my problems. When I am trying to help others and solve their problems I can avoid myself. I know that sounds crazy, but I it is true. This is something that I really need to work on. I think I am very capable of helping others, and asking them for help. Maybe it is time for a little change. Actually, it is time to ask for help.

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