Friday, February 6, 2009

Invincibility is Nonexistent

There are always those things that happen in the world that a person thinks, “that will never happen to me.” I have said it, I have heard friends say it, I have even heard a teacher or two say it too. It is a common belief among all of us. People may say that they don’t believe that nothing can happen to them, but the truth is, they really do deep down inside believe they are invincible. The worst part is the disbelief that comes when something bad actually happens. When something that is life altering occurs to a friend, a family member, or even yourself.

Way back when I was in first grade, I lived next door to the Kimber family. They had two kids who were always over at my house playing with my brother, sister, and I. Casey and Kim are in many of my memories and in a whole photo album worth of pictures. On January 31, 2009, Kim was found dead in the basement of someone’s house. The autopsy revealed that he died of alcohol poisoning. He was only 20 years old.

Even though it has been several years since I have seen Kimmy Kimber, I am greatly affected by his passing. When I heard of his death, I immediately thought, where were his friends? Why would they leave him alone? How would I feel if my best friend died of alcohol poisoning? I have let these questions pass through my mind again and again. Why would he drink so much that it made him sick? Why would anyone drink excessively? Then the biggest question of all hit home. How could this happen to someone I know? For the first time in my life I actually know that my friends and I are not invincible. Something bad can happen to any of us at any given time. Never again, will I ever feel invincible, because I am not. God could take my friends or I at any time. It is up to Him, not me.

After I heard of the cause of Kimmy’s death, I can’t help but think of all the people I know who go out to party every weekend. I can only pray that they are safe and they leave with the friends they went with. I took a pledge yesterday, one that I will hold myself too, no matter the temptation it causes or how hard it gets. I will never get so drunk that I cannot make sure my friends are safe and make it home okay. I will never leave a friend alone when they need me, or leave them behind at all for that matter. These promises I have made to myself because I do not want what happened to Kimmy, to happen to the people I love or anyone. If I went out and to a party with a friend, and they were found dead the next morning, I would believe it was my fault, because I was not the better friend. This would be extremely difficult to bear. Even though the passing of Kimmy is extremely sad, it has taught me such a powerful lesson. This lesson I will pass on, and never forget. A lesson that can and will save lives, I hope that I can witness it at work.

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