Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 3 Assigned Post: Critical Review Practice

In the article The Empire of Images in Our World of Bodies by Susan Bordo, Bordo uses sarcasm in a manner that makes her ideas and points quite effective. The final sentences of several of Bordo’s paragraphs end with slight and sometimes subtle comments that correspond with the message that she is trying to portray. Her method of doing this, really catches the reader’s attention and gives a kick to her personal ideas about physical appearance.

Lars Eigher in his article On Dumpster Diving does a good job staying positive about a rather unpalatable subject. In each of his points he is honest and truthful, but has a tone that implies a “could be worse motto.” This allows the reader to engage in active reading, and be forthcoming about the message of the article. Without his positive tone, myself as a reader would have dismissed the article. However, because of Eigher’s thoughtful execution of discussing dumpster diving, his article was a thorough and positive read.

Richard Rodriguez keeps things personal is his essay Public and Private Language. Even though Rodgriuez shoots down the idea of being bilingual he does an excellent job of using himself as a primary example. His use of description and family stories is intriguing. This allows me to believe that he as an author really takes great care in his writing even though I may not agree with everything he is saying. In conclusion, his personal approach is very effectual.

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